Saturday, March 17, 2012

NBC4 Interviews Ceezar ((VIDEO))

Here's the video of the interview with NBC4.. SPREAD THIS.
you can still vote for the song "In My Town" HERE until the 23rd. You can download the song for free HERE . Go to the other websites listed for other music and info. Thank you.

Kony doesn't matter.... that much.

I'm sure that everyone has heard plenty about Joseph Kony by now.  And about the controversy surrounding the invisible children group that's responsible for bringing so much attention to the situation. I'm sure you've heard about how Uganda is in much better shape than the one they are showed as being in and that many of the actions being taken now are not ones that will help so much. That's all ok, because Kony doesn't matter.... that much. Of course it is important to catch and punish a man who's been doing such terrible things. But the reality is this, there are thousands of "Kony's" across the world. Countless people in numerous places are doing equally as atrocious things without any attention. There are issues to be handled that go much deeper than catching one man, like the fact that Africa alone is home to 9 of the world's 10 poorest countries, or that in many places i would be killed for making a post like this. In many places i wouldn't even have the resources to do it if i wanted to. I support the Kony excitement because it can be a segway to people pushing for world change. I helped start an organization at my school for that purpose, called W.A.R. (we are responsible). There are many things you can do to help out. organize, donate, get educated, educate others. The one thing you shouldn't do is settle. If you feel like you've done enough by watching the video or tweeting stop Kony, your wrong. The issue is much bigger. Lets address it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


HUGE NEWS!!! Today, Ceezar was interviewed by nbc 4 news about his 200columbus song entry and music in general. THe segment will be aired next wednesday or friday morning AND posted on the web. Follow on twitter @ceeztheworld and come back here to find out the exact time. And if you havent voted for "In My Town by Ceezar" yet, go do it RIGHT HERE , right now. If you have, do it again. (you get 1 vote per email address)